6 Responses

  1. Ehsan Azari says:

    I am interested a free attending

    • Amanda Diserholt says:

      Hi, please use the Eventbrite link in this post to sign up there.

      Hopefully see you there!

      Kind regards,
      Amanda Diserholt
      Secretary of Lacan in Scotland

  2. Alina Shevtsova says:

    Hi! I would like to register for online seminar Solange Faladé’s Lacanian theory of multiracialism, please.
    Alina Shevtsova, ashevtsova986@gmail.com.

    • Amanda Diserholt says:

      Hi, please use the Eventbrite link in this post to sign up there.

      Hopefully see you there!

      Kind regards,
      Amanda Diserholt
      Secretary of Lacan in Scotland

  3. Isadora says:

    Hello, can’t find the link for registration in the post!! 🙁

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