6 Responses

  1. Miranda says:

    Will there be a recording available of Listening to Hysteria (Dr Jamieson Webster event)?

  2. elizabeth theiler says:

    I am so sorry but due to time difference here in Australia I missed Jamieson Websters lecture on Hysteria. I am wondering if you can email me a link of the recording, I would be very grateful, thank you.
    Elizabeth Theiler (Psychologist)

    • Amanda Diserholt says:

      Dear Elizabeth,

      I have now sent you an email with the link, but here it is as well.

      Best wishes,
      Secretary of Lacan in Scotland

  3. Zhuo Wang says:

    This was an incredibly interesting and illuminating talk. Would you be able to share the references that Dr Webster made throughout her talk for further investigation? Many thanks.

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